Pagi - pagi sengaja iseng-iseng main ke IntoFarm untuk lihat udah dapet telur berapa. Eh... pas menuju halaman intoFarm malah yang muncul ginian.
" Our server has been attacked by hackers. They destroyed the database and also the backup database.
Hackers formatted all the server's disks and erased all the information.
Presumably, the attack was carried out of Russia. We were attacked by hackers from Russia earlier, that is why we have blocked access to the Russian users. However, hackers found a vulnerability and deleted all the data on a server.
Also, we have lost control of our mailboxes.
All email boxes,, are controlled by hackers now.
Use email to contact us.
At present, we have given drives to the expert group for the data recovery. It will take some longer time. Please be patient.
Once the database is restored, we will continue work in a usual mode.
Feel free to contact us, if you have additional questions. "
Jiah, apakah ini akhir dari IntoFarm? Kita lihat saja nanti :)